Residences of the Dadeshkelians - Socio-cultural Significance and Perspectives of Georgian Cultural Heritage Monuments

Residences of the Dadeshkelians - Socio-cultural Significance and Perspectives of Georgian Cultural Heritage Monuments


Rozeta Gujejiani
Ketevan Khustishvili

The work was carried out within the framework of the grant competition of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia: "Support for free projects in the field of culture" and is dedicated to the contribution of the outstanding feudal family of Svaneti - the Dadeshkelians to the history of Georgia and the development of Georgian culture. It presents a brief history of the Dadeshkelians' princely house and the cultural, educational and scientific contribution of some representatives of the Dadeshkelians' family. The existing historical data about the residences have been studied and the modern situation has been identified. The Dadeshkelians' residences are part of the Georgian cultural heritage. Their protection requires a long-term perspective.